date of publication:2019-8-22 11:16:15 publisher:anshan libang compressor co., ltd.
product characteristics:
all oil-free design, guide ring, piston ring using self-lubricating materials, 100% oil-free lubrication, bearing components using high temperature grease lubrication, to avoid gas pollution in the compression process, to ensure gas purity.
microcomputer controller control, with high exhaust temperature, low intake pressure, high exhaust pressure alarm shutdown function, high level of automation, compressor operation is more reliable. data remote display and remote control can be configured according to customer requirements.
product application:
this series of compressors are widely used in pet bottle blowing, tobacco, petroleum, chemical industry, steel, air separation, tire, laser cutting, rare gas recovery, denitrification, environmental protection, aerospace, high-pressure special detection, military, various power experiments, marine scientific research, nuclear power and hydropower system, municipal engineering, respiratory air protection and fire protection. security and other fields.